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Events & Publications

La CCCP presenta a la “Institución de la Semana”: Road Map to Canada Immigration Consulting Inc.

Road Map to Canada Immigration, fundada en 2017 por la experta en inmigración Rosa Díaz , te guía hacia tu sueño de vivir en Canadá . Su misión es simple pero poderosa: Hacer realidad tus aspiraciones, mediante el asesoramiento experto, representación personalizada y apoyo continuo en todo el proceso. Asimismo, los servicios incluyen residencia permanente , visas de turismo , permisos de estudio y trabajo , ciudadanía , y más. Canadá es un líder educativo a nivel mundial , ofreciendo oportunidades únicas. ¡Convierte tu sueño en realidad con Road Map to Canada Immigration!

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Chamber of Commerce Canada - Peru l NOVEMBER 2023

Chamber of Commerce Canada - Peru

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Cámara de Comercio Canadá - Perú l AUGUST 2023

Road Map to Canada | Nuevas categorías de inmigración a Canadá SEPTEMBER 2023

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Supporting the Working for Workers Act (Ontario  - Canada) l  NOVEMBER 2021

We would like to thank Andrea Khanjin, Member of Provincial Parliament (MPP), for taking into consideration our perspective on the proposed bill, and present it before the Legislative Assembly of Ontario (Ontario's Parliament). It is an honour for us to advocate for immigrants and to be part of the change that many politicians are looking for.

“As an Immigration Consultant located in Barrie-Ontario, I meet many employers struggling to fill certain positions in order to grow their companies.  At the same time, I speak with professionals outside of Canada with strong backgrounds and experience, but one of the issues is that they do not have the registration or licensing to be able to perform their job in Canada. If we had less barriers for these professionals, it would be a win-win situation. Companies would be able to source the skilled workers not available in our marketplace and would translate to more economic growth. I believe regulations and standards are important; however, for certain positions there should be able to recognize foreign skills and give priority in processing.”  (Minute 15:00)  Rosa Diaz, RCIC

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Revista Oriental (Lima - Perú) l MAY - JUNE 2017

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Revista Hola York Region (Ontario  - Canada) l JANUARY - FEBRUARY 2018

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